Your online check for education and participation (BuT)
Find out how much money your family can receive.
We advise you by phone & free of charge
€1,000 per year from the BuT possible
“I thought I was sending the request to an public authority. So I was very surprised to receive an answer the same day. It’s great that you are so easy to contact.”
Independent advisory center
Friendly and at eye level
100% free of charge
Our official sponsoring partners
Check now how much money your family could receive
DYou can apply for BuT benefits if you receive social benefits (Bürgergeld – formerly HartzIV, “ALG II, Sozialgeld”, Sozialhilfe, Wohngeld, Kinderzuschlag, Leistungen nach dem AsylbLG)
If you apply for all benefits from the education and participation package and they are approved by the authorities, you could receive this amount every year.
Call us and we will advise you: 030 5771 3004 0
Then you and/or your children are entitled to several hundred euros via the Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket (BuT):
Education benefits – for children and students aged 0-25
- Coverage of costs for day trips
- Coverage of costs for school trips lasting several days
- Money for school supplies
- School tutoring
- Lunch at daycare/school
- Student tickets
Benefits for participation – for children and students aged 0-18
- money for leisure activities; e.g. sports club, dance school, swimming course, music school, theater group
These BuT benefits can be approved every year and for every child.
“I was more than satisfied with the consultation. Your colleague explained everything to me in detail and sent me an email after the conversation. The Jobcenter also granted us everything my child was entitled to: the excursion I called you about and we even got the money for the food at the daycare center reimbursed retroactively for two years, i.e. what I shouldn’t have paid at all. You are very welcome to tell your colleague that the advice was great and that I am very happy about it.”